Full Value Agreement

To meet our goals of keeping everyone physically and emotionally safe, our staff helps to guide campers to create their group Full Value Agreement using the following questions. It is adjusted to be age appropriate for each camp.




  • What is the appropriate balance between your needs and the group’s needs?
  • How do you use empathy to treat people the way they want to be treated?
  • How do you find the fun or value to stay involved in an activity you don't know or enjoy?
  • How do you treat people in a way that keeps them both emotionally and physically safe?
  • How do you give appropriate and affective feedback?




  •  Learn to use “I feel” statements to give feedback for behavior that makes you uncomfortable. For example, I feel_______ (insert emotion) when you_______ (insert behavior)
  •  Commit to giving “I feel” feedback when the guidelines of your group’s agreement are broken.
  •  Be willing to change personal behavior that breaks your Full Value Agreement


Emotional and Physical Safety Policy:


Counselors will talk privately with campers who are struggling to uphold aspects of their Full Value Agreement.  They will acknowledge and validate how the child feels. They will describe their feelings about the incident to the child and may ask “What do you need to make this situation better for you?”


If the behavior continues, the camper will be given options that may take place away from the group. Campers will be asked to work on strategies within sight of counselors that can help them rejoin their group.  At Morse Hill we try to intervene in an encouraging, respectful way that will bring out the child’s best self and restore any harm that was caused. We will facilitate them rejoining their group as soon as possible.


The counselor will call for the help of a supervisor if the behavior compromises the safety of the child, the group, or the counselor.


If an incident was reported to a supervisor, then the incident will be reported to the parent/caregiver at the end of the day and behavior strategies will be discussed for the next day. If it cannot be resolved with the help of a supervisor, the parent/caregiver or emergency contact person will be called at the time of the incident and a strategy will be discussed and carried out for that day.


The third time we must report to a parent/caregiver will result in the parent being asked not to send the child to camp. No refunds will be given. We fill out incident reports of behavior whenever we must talk to a parent or caregiver.



When challenging behaviors arise, counselors/staff will follow these steps. 


  •   Step 1: Counselor intervenes verbally when behavior does not meet Full Value Agreement.  
  •   Step 2: If the behavior has not changed, the supervisor will be called to assist in making a “Behavior Contract”. Parents/caregivers will be notified of their child’s “Behavior Contract” and concerning behavior at the end of the day. 
  •   Step 3: The third time we must talk to a parent/caregiver about unsafe behavior we ask them to not send their child to camp. No refunds will be given.  


If you are concerned that your child may not be able to meet their Full Value Agreement, please consult with a Camp Director before registering your child for camp.